
Howard S. Malamood, M.D.

Howard S. Malamood, M.D.


Servicing Locations

  • Saratoga Office
  • Burnt Hills Office
  • Endoscopy Center
  • Clifton Park Office

My Procedures

  • Colonoscopy
  • Upper Endoscopy
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Joined the Practice:

Medical Education:
Albany Medical College

Gastroenterology Fellowship, Albany Medical College

Board Certifications:
American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty Certification in Gastroenterology
American Board of Internal Medicine

Honors and Awards:
Member of American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Member of American Gastroenterological Association
Phi Beta Kappa

Serological Diagnosis of Heliocobacter Pylori Bacteria Associated Gastritis; Screening and Predicting Disease Severity: submitted
      Schroeder, Venezia, et al and Malamood, H.S.
Staphylococcal Gastroenteritis in Renal Transplant Patient : submitted
     Syam, Malamood, et al.
Early Detection and Treatment of Hepatitis C in Health Care Workers Following Percutaneous Exposures : submitted
     Veeder, Stellrecht, Malamood, Venezia; submitted for publication to American Society for Microbiology
Almost Final Results of the NYNEST Interferon-Ribavirin Retreatment Trial in Chronic Hepatitis C Non-Responders and Relapsers : 2000
     Krawitt et al., Malamood; presented at 4th Schering Hepatitis Investigators Network, Feb. 2000
Interim Results of the NYNEST Interfern-Ribavirin Retreatment Trial in Chronic Hepatitis C Nonresponders : 1999
     Krawitt et al., Malamood; presented at the US Rebetron Investigators Meeting Feb. 1999
Comparison of Treatment of Outcome Measures for Irritable Bowel Syndrome : 1997
     Meisner, Blancard and Malamood, H.S.; Applied Psychophysiology and Feedback 22: 55-62, 1997
Fish Oil Dietary Supplement For Prevention of Indomethacin Induced Gastric and Small Bowel Toxicity in Healthy Volunteers : 1996
     Kremer, J., Malamood, H.S., Rogers, J.; Journal of Rheumatology 23; 17770-1773, 1996
Psychological Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome : 1996
     Blanchard and Malamood; Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1996. Vol. 27, No. 3; 241-244
Psychological Aspects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Comparison with IBS and Non Patient Controls : 1993
     Blanchard et al, Malamood, H.S.; Behavioral Research and Therapy. Vol. 31, 1993
Reliability of Rapid Urease Test and Serological Tests for Detection of Heliocobacter Pylori : 1993
     Malamood, H.S., et al.;Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Vol 39 (3), 1993
Predictors of Outcome From Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 1992
     Blanchard et al, Malamood, H.S.; Behavioral Research and Therapy. vol 30, 1992
Two Controlled Evaluations of Multicomponent Psychological Treatments of Irritable Bowel Syndrome : 1992
     Blanchard et al, Malamood, H.S.; Behavior Research and Therapy. 30(2)p. 175-189, 1992.
Manual Gastrointestinal Procedures : 1989
     Physician Reviewer, 2nd Edition, S.G.N.A., Rochester, NY 1989
Comparison of Treatment of U.G.I. Bleeding with Antacids vs 15 (R) - 15 Menthyl Prostaglandin E-2 : 1987
     Rodgers, J.B., Malamood, H.S., Bochenek, W.J.; Gastroenterology 82:1598 (A) 1987.