Patient Resources
Appointment Confirmations
Appointment Confirmations
We currently confirm office and procedure appointments seven days prior to your appointment in three ways.
Text Message
If you have a cell phone on file with us, you will receive a text message midmorning seven days prior to your appointment. The first text message you receive from us will be a welcome message that gives you the option to stop any further text communications by simply replying with the word STOP. If you choose to accept text message reminders, then you will receive an appointment confirmation around an hour later. You can then reply with YES or NO to the appointment. If you choose not to reply, see #2.
Phone Call
If you do not have a cell phone or choose not to reply to the text message, you will receive an automated phone call around the six o'clock hour again attempting to confirm your appointment. At the end of the message, it will request you confirm your appointment by pressing 1 for YES or 2 for NO. If you choose not to respond yet listen to the message or the message is left on your voicemail or answering machine, we accept that as a YES to the confirmation unless you call and tell us otherwise.
An email will be sent to all patients with a valid email address on file with your appointment reminder information. Please do not respond to the email. *Procedure appointments will receive a second reminder 2 days prior to your visit. This call is in place to remind you to reread and follow your procedure instructions and call our office with any questions immediately.

We now offer automated courtesy calls to remind you of upcoming appointments.
Talk to a staff member to learn more!