Prithvi Sreenivasan, MD
Servicing Locations
- Saratoga Hospital
- Saratoga Office
- Burnt Hills Office
- Endoscopy Center
- Clifton Park Office
My Procedures
- Colonoscopy
- Upper Endoscopy
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
- Capsule Endoscopy
Joined the Practice:
Medical Education:
M. S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, India
Masters in Public Health
School of Public Health and Health Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Hospital of Saint Raphael/Yale University, CT
Gastroenterology & Hepatology Fellowship, Norwalk Hospital/Yale University, CT
General and Transplant Hepatology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN
Board Certifications:
American Board of Internal Medicine-Gastroenterology
Honors and Awards:
Appointed Chief Medical Resident at Hospital of Saint Raphael/Yale University
Medical Staff President’s Award for excellence in Academic and Scholastic Achievement, Hospital of Saint Raphael/Yale University, New Haven CT.
• Vaidya K, Sreenivasan P. Interesting Case of Downhill Varices. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2014 Oct; 109: S454.
• Valencia-Chavez D, Metwally M, Sammarco FS, Khara HS, Sreenivasan P.
An unusual cause of ascites -Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 107: S394.
• Metwally M, Merchant PS, Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Kumar V, Mangla R, Hale W, Gross SA. Diagnostic Accuracy of EUS-FNA without On-site Cytopathology in a Community Hospital. The American Journal of
Gastroenterology 2012 Oct; 107: S749-750.
• Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Metwally M, Gross SA. Evaluation of Magnetic Endoscopy Imaging: A Single Center Experience. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 107: S781-782.
• Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Metwally M, Gross SA. Metallic Stent Fracture: A Rare Complication of Esophageal SEMS. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 107: S260.
• Saluke E, Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Metwally M, Mangla R, Hale W. Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis in situs Ambiguous: First Reported Case. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 107: S343.
• Merchant PS, Sreenivasan P, Khara HS, Metwally M, Mangla R. A Case of Mediastinal Vagal Schwannoma diagnosed by EUS-FNA. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012 Oct; 107: S541-542.
• Metwally MJ, Agresti N, Hale WB, Ciofoaia V, Meighan D, Mangla R, Buntic V, Sreenivasan P, Kumar S, Gross SA. “Conscious or Unconscious: The Impact of Sedation Choice on Colon Adenoma Detection.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Volume 71, Issue 5, Page AB345, April 2010.
• Sharma S, Sreenivasan P, Vanatta J, Nezakatgoo N, Jabbour N. “ Foregut Cystic Developmental Malformation – New Taxonomy and Classification – Unifying Embryopathological Concepts” Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 52(4), October-December 2009.
• P. Sreenivasan and S. Nair, “Hepatitis B Associated Monoclonal Gammopathy That Resolved after Successful Liver Transplant,” Journal of Transplantation, vol. 2009, Article ID 103784, 3 pages, 2009.
• Sreenivasan P, Nair S. “Use of Combined HCV and Hepatitis B core Antibody positive Liver Grafts in HCV recipients. Impact on Graft and Patient Survival” Hepatology 2009; 50 (4), supp 1: 595 A.
• Sreenivasan P, Inayat I, Jain D, Bari K and Garcia-Tsao G. “Histological-Clinical Correlation in Cirrhosis - Validation of a Histological Classification of the Severity of Cirrhosis" Hepatology 2007; 46 (4), supp 1: 579 A.
• Sreenivasan P. “Resurgence of Tuberculosis in the United States and measures that were taken to combat the problem”. Thesis/dissertation placed in UMASS library 2006.
Peer- Reviewed Book Chapter
• Sreenivasan P, Gross SA. “Double Balloon Enteroscopy.” Ed. Wu, G Y, Sridhar, S. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures in Gastroenterology, Clinical Gastroenterology. New York: Springer, 2011. 165-181.
Gastroenterology Related Oral Presentation at a National Meeting
• Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Kumar V, Metwally M, Gross SA: Third Eye Retroscope Assisted Push Enteroscopy: A Novel Use. In, the Program of the 2011 New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (NYSGE), Dr Pete Stevens Intercity Rounds: Part II, New York, NY.
Gastroenterology Related Poster Presentations at National and Local Meetings
• Vaidya K, Sreenivasan P. “Interesting Case of "Downhill" Varices”, In, Program of the 2014 The American College of Gastroenterology Meeting, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA.
• Valencia-Chavez D, Metwally M, Sammarco FS, Khara HS, Sreenivasan P.An unusual cause of ascites -Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis. In, the Program of the 2012 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
• Metwally M, Merchant PS, Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Kumar V, Mangla R, Hale W, Gross SA. Diagnostic Accuracy of EUS-FNA Without On-site Cytopathology in a Community Hospital, In, the Program of the 2012 New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (NYSGE) , The 36th Annual New York Course – 3rd Annual Scientific Poster Session, New York, NY.
• Metwally M, Merchant PS, Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Kumar V, Mangla R, Hale W, Gross SA. Diagnostic Accuracy of EUS-FNA Without On-site Cytopathology in a Community Hospital , In, the Program of the 2012 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
• Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Metwally M, Gross SA Evaluation of Magnetic Endoscopy Imaging: A Single Center Experience, In, the Program of the 2012 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
• Khara HS, Sreenivasan P, Metwally M, Gross SA. Metallic Stent Fracture: A Rare Complication of Esophageal SEMS. In, the Program of the 2012 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
• Merchant PS, Sreenivasan P, Khara HS, Metwally M, Mangla R. A Case of Mediastinal Vagal Schwannoma diagnosed by EUS-FNA, In, the Program of the 2012 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
• Mysior J, Sreenivasan P, Mangla R, Schwender BJ. “Intestinal endometriosis as an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction and abdominal pain”, In, Program of the 2011 The American College of Gastroenterology Meeting, National Harbor, Washington, DC.
• Khara H, Sreenivasan P, Kumar V, Gross SA. “Third Eye Assisted Push Enteroscopy for Obscure GI bleeding”, In, Program of the 2011 The American College of Gastroenterology Meeting, National Harbor,
Washington, DC.
• Metwally MJ, Agresti N, Hale WB, Ciofoaia V, Meighan D, Mangla R, Buntic V, Sreenivasan P, Kumar S, Gross SA. “Conscious or Unconscious: The Impact of Sedation Choice on Colon Adenoma Detection” In, Program of the 2010 Digestive Disease Week Meeting, New Orleans, Louisana.
• Sreenivasan P, Nair S. “Use of Combined HCV and Hepatitis B core Antibody positive Liver Grafts in HCV recipients. Impact on Graft and Patient Survival”, In, Program of the 2009 American Association for the Study of Liver Disease Meeting, Boston, MA.
• Sreenivasan P, Inayat I, Jain D, Bari K and Garcia-Tsao G. “Histological-Clinical Correlation in Cirrhosis - Validation of a Histological Classification of the Severity of Cirrhosis"; In, Program of the 2007 American Association for the Study for Liver Disease Meeting, Boston, MA.
• Sreenivasan P, Fiedler Paul. “Mesenteric Ischemia: A rare manifestation of Amyloidosis”; In, Program of the 2006 ACP Connecticut Chapter Meeting, Plantsville, CT.